Your Veiws

What do you think about PAKISTAN'S CULTURE ?


  1. according to my precption Pakistan is an ideological Islamic State.Its very existence is due to Islam,so the Pakistani culture is primarily based on the Islamic way of life

  2. We Do Not Follow Our Culture ANYMORE...For Us The Western Culture is more fascinating and look for yourself..everyone is IMPERSONATING western people!!! WE SHOULD PROMOTE OUR CULTURE!!! and make THEM IMPERSONATING US!!!!

  3. yah rytt v r in process ov 4geting our culture nd adopting others culture and tat is rong..:(
    we should not do tat infact we shud focus on our values nd culture...!!!

  4. pakistan has tremendous food here nd delicious in among all over the world..nd dere r diffrnt varieties of fooods available here...

  5. but i dont agree wid sid we follow our culture in many aspect their are few people who want to be western but later on they realize it that our culture start wid islam and end on islam

  6. Pakistani culture is a mixture of different cultures of different valleys ,villages,cities and provinces,,,,,,,,GOD gifted culture like a diamond set every diamond piece has its own beauty.....but point of sorrow is that we are going far day by day from this heaven and its culture,,,,!!!!!

  7. tat is de main issue v r facing tat day by day v r forgting our culture..!!!:(
