Punjabi food..!!!

Punjabi foods are very much liked in Pakistan and all over the world due to its unique and distinguish taste. Loaf of wheat flour is eaten commonly but loaf of corn is occasionally eaten with sarsoon ka sagg. Sarsoon ka saag and makai ki roti is famous dish of Punjabi food. Lassi is consumed as beverage in Punjab. Chawal ki roti is also cooked and eat with saag. Punjabi likes Punjabi food and without lassi they can’t survive. In every morning butter is extracted from pure milk and lassi is also extracted from that milk. Khatti lassi is the original type of lassi and you can add sugar as well for having sweet taste of lassi. Clarified butter is used for making prathas and in Punjab desi ghee is also extracted from pure butter. Pure butter is used in Punjabi food instead of artificial butter.
Kali chai with milk is consumed in Punjabi areas of Pakistan and some time green tea is also drunk.  Milk is mixed in tea for having milky taste it is locally known as doohd patti and it is favorite drink of Punjabi.
Desi ghee is used for cooking Punjabi foods. Methi rooti is another interesting food item, it is made of fine flour, egg, oil and sugar and it is cooked on special occasions like eid, Islamic events. Chicken, mutton and simple rice are also commonly consumed as food item in Punjab. Kari pakoora or simple pakoora are favorite Punjabi cuisine, with high taste of spice.
Yogurt and salad is consumed with lunch and dinner so that healthy diet can be consumed. This results in proper digestive system. Rabbri, falloda and kheer (sweet rice) are the desert of Punjabi food. Punjab is rich in food items and very delicious in taste. Punjabi food is healthy as well and you can have variety foods.

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